
FlexExtend provides water for building work at Kanyamedha school

Wheelbarrow and solar panels near an Impact Pump installation

When we first installed the FlexExtend at Kanyamedha school in Kisumu, Kenya, it was going to be providing water for cooking, cleaning, washing and irrigation. However, due to the global pandemic, the school had to shut for several months.

Without the regular water needs of the staff and students at the school, we were unsure if the FlexExtend installation would be used as planned. So it was great to receive an update from the school letting us know that the FlexExtend certainly did not lie dormant.

In fact, it provided a very important source of water for construction work at the school while it was closed. Water was pumped for construction material mixing and the cleaning down of tools.

Without the FlexExtend installation accessing water for this work would have required additional time consuming manual labour or the added cost of a submersible pump. There could have also been the risk of contaminants from the work entering the well, something which is not a concern with the FlexExtend’s capped well design.

If you are interested in how a FlexExtend could help you access water easily from below ground, get in touch today.